Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Shape Up Day Two

We're both finding it difficult to eat our daily calories, it's a lot of food! <- Silly me I wrote that yesterday. It was a lot of food and we were not hungry until the afternoon. The smoothie hit the spot, but come dinner time I realized when it is we consume all of our calories. We both would've gone back for seconds, but we didn't. Even when you think you're eating healthy , keeping a food log really puts things in perspective. We are also making sure to drink lots of water every day! You may have noticed that we pack a lot of calories into the afternoon snack. This is the time of day we tend to be the most hungry and tired so having a snack planned out that will fill us up is really helpful. Smoothies are great nutrient dense snacks, and while they are a great snack on their own, if you pair it with food you can actually chew (like carrots and hummus) you won't feel like you're missing out on eating anything. Mike's 1,800 Calorie Menu


2 oatmeal muffins
2 mandarin oranges
350 calories, 7 grams fiber

AM Snack

Freeze dried fruit <- we buy these at Costco, no added sugar and very good :) 2 cups popcorn 110 calories, 6 grams fiber
*he exchanged the popcorn for another muffin adding about 10 calories... they are good muffins. = 120 calories, 6 grams fiber


2 Spinach Wraps
1 Apple
351 calories, 33 grams fiber

Afternoon Snack

1 carrot & 1/2 cup hummus
350 calories, 6 grams fiber
*subbed a hard boiled egg for the carrots and hummus = 274 calories, 3 grams fiber


2 cups Turkey chili
370 calories, 13 grams fiber

1,531 calories, 65 grams fiber (holy fiber!)

This is well under his 1,800 calories, so if he's still hungry he can grab a snack up to 269 calories.
1,465 calories

Elizabeth's 1,500 calorie menu


2 oatmeal muffins

2 mandarin oranges
350 calories, 10 grams fiber

AM Snack

Freeze dried fruit
20 pretzels
150 calories, 3 grams fiber
*changed for 1 hard boiled egg and 2 mandarin oranges = 164 calories, 4 grams fiber


1 Spinach Wrap
253 calories, 18 grams fiber
*changed banana to 2 mandarin oranges (we have a big box of perfectly ripe ones and they are soooo good!) = 238 calories, 19 grams fiber

Afternoon Snack

200 calories, 3 grams fiber
exchanged 1/2 cup yogurt and 1 apple = 134 calories, 3 grams fiber


2 cups Turkey chili
370 calories, 13 grams fiber

Total = 1,323 calories, 47 grams fiber
1,256 calories

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